Monday, December 20, 2004

Not so smart

Well, fine I guess you can't use chocolate-chip cookie dough when making Christmas shaped cookies - what's the fun in that?  I made a gooey mess figuring this out!  And the kiddo didn't even help with the cookies - can you believe that?  Oh sure, he told me how many he wanted me to make, but he watched cartoons while I baked!  
Anyway, he's at "the father's" house now, but I think when he gets back, sometime after the 27th, we might try a family project... maybe a gingerbread house or something?  Not in time for Christmas, but it's still technically in the holiday season, so that counts, right?

1 comment:

that's Ms. Bitch to you said...

Well, I don't think it has to be a gingerbread house (yes, I've heard they're a pain in the @$$) and actually the scrapbook isn't a bad idea since I already have one for the pets semi-started. See, I knew there was a reason I kept you around as a friend! :-)