Monday, November 08, 2004


You know, why is it that I got stuck marrying a jerk? I couldn't have married the "nice boy" that thought I was the best thing since sliced bread (to coin a southern phrase)? No, I guess I had to marry Mr. Jerk, that was my destiny.

Anyways, to get on with my rant... This weekend was the ex's weekend with our son. He was 15 minutes late picking him up, because he thinks I have nothing better to do with my time than wait, and until recently, I perpetuated that by always waiting. So, the weekend goes on and I remind him NOT to be late Monday morning when he drops off our son, and his response, like a true controlling asshole, is "I'll see what I can do about that". I roll my eyes & hang up, knowing what that translates into - "Watch me!"

Of course, this morning I do my duty and wait at our determined meet point. I decided that I would NOT allow him to control me, and that if he was late I would simply leave, thereby making it his responsibility to bring our son to school (an hour out of his way). 10 minutes past the time he is supposed to get there, I left. Once I got into town -I cannot find my cell phone, another rant of its own- I called him to find out where they were since I had Destin's bookbag. He, being the asshole that he is, preceded to tell me that I needed to read my paperwork, that as long as he got him to school, I could not do anything about it. I informed him that our paperwork states if Destin is late to school twice in any given school year because of him, that he will have to bring Destin home at 6pm on Sundays. This pushed him over the edge.

Frankly, I don't give a shit. He is not paying child support like he is supposed to, yet I have to let him see Destin as agreed. Not that children should be used as pawns, I am against that, but what I think is the punishment for not paying child support should take less than 3 months to catch up with him! I mean, there should be a 10 day grace period, and after that, BOOM, your license is suspended. No wonder there are so many Dead-Beat-Dads out there, they know it will take the system months, if not years, to catch up with them!

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