Monday, December 20, 2004

Not so smart

Well, fine I guess you can't use chocolate-chip cookie dough when making Christmas shaped cookies - what's the fun in that?  I made a gooey mess figuring this out!  And the kiddo didn't even help with the cookies - can you believe that?  Oh sure, he told me how many he wanted me to make, but he watched cartoons while I baked!  
Anyway, he's at "the father's" house now, but I think when he gets back, sometime after the 27th, we might try a family project... maybe a gingerbread house or something?  Not in time for Christmas, but it's still technically in the holiday season, so that counts, right?

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Let the rambling begin!

OK, so emailing the post worked, now watch out because you are going to be hard pressed to shut me up! Today my son & I are going to make Christmas cookies for his party tomorrow at school - how sweet is that?
Candy Cane 1
Hopefully we I will remain calm, cool & collected as we bake 6 dozen of these things! I am taking the easy way out though, we bought a bucket of chocolate chip cookie dough and that's what we're making. Believe it or not, he didn't want to make sugar cookies with sprinkles & stuff.

I wonder if I can roll the chocolate chip cookie dough out on the counter & cut Christmas shapes into it? I am going to try it....

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


OK, I'm testing this blogger email thing... I think I am seriously doing this wrong, but hell, if I'm not, you won't be able to shut me up! LOL

Merry Christmas to me!

So, what did I get myself for Christmas this year? One guess - no, it doesn't vibrate. I am getting myself a brake job! How fun is that!?!?!? :::rolls eyes::: my son gets cool toys, my relatives get cool stuff, my friends get cool... well, you get the point. What do *I* get? BRAKES! oh, and new rotors too - yippeeeeeeeeeeee! - and yes, this is being sarcastic!